Important information
Here you can find information about changes in the trading hours and other important information.
Dear clients!
We inform you that in connection with the celebration of Martin Luther King Day, January 20, 2025, changes are expected in working with some tools.
Web platform:
January 20, 2025:
XAUUSD, XAUEUR, XPDUSD, XPTUSD, Copper, XAGUSD | early closing 19:15; |
FTSGBP, DAXEUR | early closing 21:00; |
NAS100, USA.30, SPX500, JPN225 | early closing 18:00; |
US.OIL, XNGUSD | early closing 19:30; |
Stocks US | trading is closed; |
Corn, Soybean, Wheat, Cotton, Coffee | trading is closed; |
Sugar | early closing 16:00. |