Important information

Here you can find information about changes in the trading hours and other important information.

Dear clients!

We inform you that on May 01, 2024, in connection with the celebration of Labor Day in Europe, changes are expected in working with some tools.
We inform you that due to the Bank Holiday on May 6 in the UK and the Ascension Day on May 9 in Switzerland, changes are expected in working with some tools.

Web platform:

May 01: 2024:

Indices: GER.30, FRA.40, EUR.50, HKG.33, ESP.35, SUI.20, AEX25, ITA.40, FTSE50Chinatrading is closed;
European sharestrading is closed;

May 02: 2024:

Indices: GER.30opening from 00:00.

May 05: 2024:

Index UK.100trading is closed.

May 06: 2024:

Index UK.100trading is closed;
ALUMINIUM, ZINC, NICKEL, SUGARtrading is closed;
UK shares: BHP Billiton, RioTinto, Samsung, Barclays, BP, ITMtrading is closed;

May 07: 2024:

Index UK.100opening at 00:00;

May 09: 2024:

Index SUI.20trading is closed.
Swiss shares: Nestle, Roche Holdingtrading is closed.